2024 Categories and Criteria

Please click 'view criteria' button to view the full criteria.

Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words (including any supporting material), and try to think about the judges when composing them. They must be UK RELEVANT. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. PDF and other multimedia entries are encouraged, and you can add personality to your entry too to make it stand out. If you are submitting a video, please keep it to FIVE minutes or less. Videos longer than five minutes are likely not to be watched in full.

Please read the category details carefully as they will help you craft an entry that meets all the judges’ criteria. Don’t just feel you have to submit blocks of text, feel free to submit a PDF or even video entry if you are feeling adventurous – make your entry stand out.

But remember, word counts and time limits still apply to multimedia entries – judges will mark down if over word count or approved time.

MSP Categories

Industry Specialist MSP of the Year

This category is open to any MSP. This award is designed for managed service providers that have chosen to specialise in a specific customer vertical. That may healthcare, manufacturing, the financial or public sector, as examples.

Successful entries will be able to convey why they are specialists in their chosen vertical and be able to demonstrate how they have tailored their offerings and services to cater for the specific needs of customers in those areas.

This category is now closed
  • Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words, and try to think about the judges when composing them. They must be UK RELEVANT. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. PDF and other multimedia entries are encouraged, and you can add personality and humour to your entry too to make it stand out. If you are submitting a video, please keep it to FIVE minutes or less. Any videos longer than five minutes will not be watched by the judges.

Best Sustainability ESG Initiative of the Year - MSP

CRN wants to showcase how the channel is seizing the opportunities around sustainability and ESG.

This category is for partners in Europe who are leading from the front on sustainability in the channel.

What changes has your company brought in when it comes to the environmental and social impact of your technology, solutions and services? Has that had an impact on growth?

If you consider your company to be innovative in this area, this category is for you.

Entry Top Tip: Aim to quantify the impact of your initiative wherever possible, be that impact on the environment, local or broader community.

This category is now closed
  • Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words, and try to think about the judges when composing them. They must be UK RELEVANT. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. PDF and other multimedia entries are encouraged, and you can add personality and humour to your entry too to make it stand out. If you are submitting a video, please keep it to FIVE minutes or less. Any videos longer than five minutes will not be watched by the judges.

Best MSP Technical Support Award

Successful entries to this category will outline why their technical support team are second to none in the market. The winner will be able to demonstrate a proven track record of delivering excellent technical support through their skilled and knowledgeable workforce. We want to know what accreditations your staff have in offering top-grade technical support to your customers, and how quickly they have been able to resolve customer issues over the last twelve months.

This category is now closed
  • Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words, and try to think about the judges when composing them. They must be UK RELEVANT. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. PDF and other multimedia entries are encouraged, and you can add personality and humour to your entry too to make it stand out. If you are submitting a video, please keep it to FIVE minutes or less. Any videos longer than five minutes will not be watched by the judges.

Best Place to Work

The boundaries between home and work lives have become blurred, and with home schooling being an additional job for many, this category is perhaps more valuable than ever.

We are looking to celebrate the MSPs that have stepped up to the plate. Has mental health been made a focus? If so, how? What additional support has been made available to employees who are having to add “teacher” to their daily list of responsibilities? Has your company made additions to its maternity, paternity or adoption leave policies to support new parents?

This is your chance to highlight these positive changes.

Entry Top Tip: Be specific and lean on facts and figures wherever possible to make your entry shine.

This category is now closed
  • Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words, and try to think about the judges when composing them. They must be UK RELEVANT. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. PDF and other multimedia entries are encouraged, and you can add personality and humour to your entry too to make it stand out. If you are submitting a video, please keep it to FIVE minutes or less. Any videos longer than five minutes will not be watched by the judges.

Best Diversity and Inclusion Initiative of the Year - MSP (NEW)

This award aims to champion, recognise and celebrate MSPs and their staff who are making the European channel more inclusive.

Detail how are you making your company more reflective of the customers and market you serve? Can you demonstrate that your firm is making diversity, in all senses, a priority within your business?

The winning entry will be able to demonstrate diversity across all levels of the business.

Entry Top Tip: Consider the specific initiatives your firm has implemented over the past year. Have they been internal, external, or both? Why does this issue matter to your company’s culture?

This category is now closed
  • Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words, and try to think about the judges when composing them. They must be UK RELEVANT. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. PDF and other multimedia entries are encouraged, and you can add personality and humour to your entry too to make it stand out. If you are submitting a video, please keep it to FIVE minutes or less. Any videos longer than five minutes will not be watched by the judges.

Best Cybersecurity MSP Award

Remote working has left many exposed to threats, regardless of the size of business. More recently, bad actors, armed with AI tools, have become even more proficient.

This category is open to any MSP that sells cybersecurity services.

The winning entry will demonstrate how their solutions and services expertise has been able to help customers safeguard their businesses despite the mounting security challenges.

Partners are advised to use facts and figures to support their entries, as well as highlight any new initiatives, services and additions to their offer launched in the past year.

This category is now closed
  • Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words, and try to think about the judges when composing them. They must be UK RELEVANT. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. PDF and other multimedia entries are encouraged, and you can add personality and humour to your entry too to make it stand out. If you are submitting a video, please keep it to FIVE minutes or less. Any videos longer than five minutes will not be watched by the judges.

MSP of the Year

This category is open to any MSP. This award will be given to the best overall MSP in the European market. The most prestigious award of the night, the winning entry for MSP of the Year will provide plenty of relevant stats and testimonials supporting why your company is leading the pack in the managed services space.

The judging panel will be looking for evidence of growth, innovation and a strong services offer, whilst also considering environmental and social impact and employee wellbeing.

We look forward to putting this partner on a pedestal as an extraordinary example of success in the European managed services market.

This category is now closed
  • Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words, and try to think about the judges when composing them. They must be UK RELEVANT. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. PDF and other multimedia entries are encouraged, and you can add personality and humour to your entry too to make it stand out. If you are submitting a video, please keep it to FIVE minutes or less. Any videos longer than five minutes will not be watched by the judges.

Next Generation MSP Innovation Award

This category is designed for MSPs that have demonstrated an ability to truly be innovative. How have you changed your services over the last twelve months to better serve customers, gain a competitive advantage or monopolise on a new trend that has emerged?

The winning MSP will be able to demonstrate success in embracing new or emerging technologies, or new customer consumption models such as cloud, as-a-service or subscription.

Winning entries will be able to show how their company has evolved and shifted their business to keep pace and remain relevant in drastically changing times.

This category is now closed
  • Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words, and try to think about the judges when composing them. They must be UK RELEVANT. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. PDF and other multimedia entries are encouraged, and you can add personality and humour to your entry too to make it stand out. If you are submitting a video, please keep it to FIVE minutes or less. Any videos longer than five minutes will not be watched by the judges.

Vendor Categories

Best Diversity and Inclusion Initiative of the Year - Vendor

This award aims to champion, recognise and celebrate vendors and their staff who are making the European channel more representative.

Detail how are you making your company more reflective of the customers and market you serve?

Can you demonstrate that your firm is making diversity, in all senses, a priority within your business?

Entry Top Tip: Consider the specific initiatives your firm has implemented over the past year. Have they been internal, external, or both? Why does this issue matter to your company’s culture?

This category is now closed
  • Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words, and try to think about the judges when composing them. They must be UK RELEVANT. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. PDF and other multimedia entries are encouraged, and you can add personality and humour to your entry too to make it stand out. If you are submitting a video, please keep it to FIVE minutes or less. Any videos longer than five minutes will not be watched by the judges.

Best Cyber-Security Offering of the Year

With cyber-security becoming an ever more critical sector for MSPs to offer support, this category open to any cyber vendor walking the talk when it comes to working with their MSP partners and helping to add a services layer around their offering.

In a crowded market with a plethora of vendors jostling for position, this award will be for an entry that can prove why its cyber-security solution is the best for EMEA partners.

Please do use hard facts and figures to support your entry. External testimonials are recommended.

This category is now closed
  • Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words, and try to think about the judges when composing them. They must be UK RELEVANT. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. PDF and other multimedia entries are encouraged, and you can add personality and humour to your entry too to make it stand out. If you are submitting a video, please keep it to FIVE minutes or less. Any videos longer than five minutes will not be watched by the judges.

Best Vendor Security Offering

Remote working has left many exposed to bad actors, regardless of the size of business. Across EMEA markets, the consequences of hacked vulnerabilities has become all too clear in recent months.

This category is for vendors who can demonstrate that they have been able to help partners and customers safeguard their businesses despite the critical importance of safeguarding data and the mounting security challenges.

Entries must explain why their offering has been the best for partners, and use facts and figures to support them.

This category is now closed
  • Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words, and try to think about the judges when composing them. They must be UK RELEVANT. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. PDF and other multimedia entries are encouraged, and you can add personality and humour to your entry too to make it stand out. If you are submitting a video, please keep it to FIVE minutes or less. Any videos longer than five minutes will not be watched by the judges.

Best Vendor for MSP Support

The relationship between vendors and MSPs has been tested over the last twelve months. The winner of this category will be able to demonstrate that they’ve stood with partners as a whole. What tangible assistance has been given to help partners continue to grow? How, as a vendor, have you been the best partner to MSPs to aid them in increasing their revenue, expand into new markets or technology opportunities, and overcome business challenges? And how has your use of market development funds changed over the past year?

This could take the shape of offering dedicated account managers to their partners, being easy to work with, or working together and collaborating with your MSP partners on joint projects. We’re looking to praise a winning entry that can demonstrate a proven track record of raising the bar on support and collaboration with MSPs.

This category is now closed
  • Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words, and try to think about the judges when composing them. They must be UK RELEVANT. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. PDF and other multimedia entries are encouraged, and you can add personality and humour to your entry too to make it stand out. If you are submitting a video, please keep it to FIVE minutes or less. Any videos longer than five minutes will not be watched by the judges.

Cloud Services Vendor of the Year

This category is open to vendors with a programme with a specific focus on providing cloud-based services to their service provider partners.

This can be in any vertical sector with any relevant cloud technology set, whether it is security, storage, infrastructure, datacentre services or a mix of the above and others.

Entry Top Tip: We’d advise vendors entering this category to indicate how much of their business or revenues were derived from the provision of cloud products and services over the past year.

This category is now closed
  • Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words, and try to think about the judges when composing them. They must be UK RELEVANT. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. PDF and other multimedia entries are encouraged, and you can add personality and humour to your entry too to make it stand out. If you are submitting a video, please keep it to FIVE minutes or less. Any videos longer than five minutes will not be watched by the judges.

Best MSP Partner Program

One of the most coveted of the vendor awards, this award looks to shine a spotlight on the vendor who has listened to partner feedback and created a programme that is both rewarding to MSPs financially, and easy to interact with if support is needed. How has your partner programme aided in partners being able to capitalise on the trend towards the adoption of managed services to drive recurring revenue?

Vendors must show how their managed services partner programme has channel partners grow their business and adapt to market challenges, such as hybrid working, as an example. Successful entries will detail how the programme works, how it incentivises partners and how the programme has helped build traction for your managed services offering.

This category is now closed
  • REQUIREMENT : Provide a UK partner testimonial within the entry

Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words, and try to think about the judges when composing them. They must be UK RELEVANT ONLY . Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. PDF and other multimedia entries are encouraged, and you can add personality and humour to your entry too to make it stand out. If you are submitting a video, please keep it to FIVE minutes or less. Videos over five minutes will not be watched in full by the judges.

Best Sustainability ESG Initiative of the Year - Vendor

CRN wants to showcase how the channel is seizing the opportunities around sustainability and ESG. This category is for vendors who operate in Europe who are leading from the front on sustainability in the channel.

What changes has your company brought in when it comes to the environmental and social impact of your technology, solutions, and services? Has that had an impact on growth?

If you consider your company to be innovative in this area, this category is for you.

This category is now closed
  • Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words, and try to think about the judges when composing them. They must be UK RELEVANT. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. PDF and other multimedia entries are encouraged, and you can add personality and humour to your entry too to make it stand out. If you are submitting a video, please keep it to FIVE minutes or less. Any videos longer than five minutes will not be watched by the judges.

Best Vendor for Partner Growth Enablement

This category is open any vendor that can prove through that they have helped partners deliver growth over the last year.

Detail how your partner programme, support, specific incentives, rebates or MDF has aided your partners. Or have you helped them adapt their business model to grow their TAM (total addressable market) or develop IP in their services?

If you feel you have been a positive, innovative force for your channel you are the ideal candidate for this award.

This category is now closed
  • Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words, and try to think about the judges when composing them. They must be UK RELEVANT. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. PDF and other multimedia entries are encouraged, and you can add personality and humour to your entry too to make it stand out. If you are submitting a video, please keep it to FIVE minutes or less. Any videos longer than five minutes will not be watched by the judges.

Best PSA/RMM Vendor Award

This category is open to all vendors with a Professional Services Automation or Remote Monitoring and Management business. A good PSA tool is integral to any MSP business, helping a partner keep track of their customer data and projects. And RMM software automation is the backbone of that work.

Successful vendor entries will prove why their offering is the best in the business, and use hard facts and figures to support their claims.

This category is now closed
  • REQUIREMENT : Provide a UK partner testimonial within the entry

Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words, and try to think about the judges when composing them. They must be UK RELEVANT ONLY . Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. PDF and other multimedia entries are encouraged, and you can add personality and humour to your entry too to make it stand out. If you are submitting a video, please keep it to FIVE minutes or less. Videos over five minutes will not be watched in full by the judges.