Ian Kilpatrick, GMX
Ian Kilpatrick

A leading and influential figure in the IT channel, Ian is strategic advisor on cyber security to Nuvias. He has overall responsibility for cyber security strategy, Ian also brings many years of channel experience, particularly in security, to Nuvias. He is also Director of Kirian International, which provides advisory services to vendors and channel partners. He was a founder member and Chairman of the award-winning Wick Hill Group in the 1970s and thanks to his enthusiasm, motivational abilities and drive, led the company through its successful growth and development, to become a leading, international, value-added distributor, focused on security. Wick Hill was acquired by Nuvias in July 2015. Ian is a thought leader, with a strong vision of the future in IT, focussing on business needs and benefits, rather than just technology. He is an experienced business leader, much published author and a regular speaker at IT events. Before Wick Hill, Ian qualified as an accountant, was financial controller for a Fortune 50 company, and was a partner in a management consultancy.
