Meg Marshall, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Meg Marshall
Partner Storage Specialist
Hewlett Packard Enterprise

I am proud to work at Hewlett Packard Enterprise as a Partner Storage Specialist. I started at HPE as an Intern during COVID and have been at HPE now for 3 years. I look after 4 Strategic Channel Partners and drive their Storage Business.

I am extremely proud to be an ambassador for women in technology and am ecstatic to share I won CRN Women and Diversity Graduate of the Year 2024; this is an extremely proud moment for me. I wouldn't have achieved this without the incredible people I work with.

Additionally, I have the pleasure of being a Chair of STEM@HPE coordinating all STEM activity across 7 sites over UK and Ireland. A clear strategy is raising awareness of the opportunities at HPE and the different routes available, additionally to have female representation at these events and partner with all-girls schools to showcase the opportunity in STEM. STEM@HPE has reached over 15,000 students and holds numerous partnerships with government funded organisations and charities.

I am so pleased to take part in the judging process this year to uncover and promote the incredible work and impact that women in the industry create.